More often than not, magazine style aesthetics are marred by impracticality and discomfort. By caring deeply about the often overlooked and more intimate lifestyle details of our clients, we are able to design interiors that compliment and support better function, better health and truly blissful living. Taking note of something as simple as what our clients wear or whether they are left or right handed means we can design personal ergonomic solutions that work in harmony with a stunning aesthetic to make your life just that little bit more joyful!
Comfort is tough to quantify, but instantly recognisable when it’s missing. Upon every wall, inside every cupboard, and with each selection made,
we engage in a detailed creative process; designing for you, based upon the intimate details we endeavor to learn about you.
Beyond the aesthetics of an interior or a home design lies a frontier often forgotten about: the health of the home or space. We call this building biology. The placement of the wiring inside the walls, the materials we choose to build with and the products with which we clean our homes, all play an important role in protecting our own health as well as that of our family and the environment.
Inadequate temperature, humidity, lighting, excessive noise, indoor air contaminants – chemicals, dusts, moulds or fungi, bacteria, gases, vapours, odours and insufficient outdoor air intake can all affect the quality of the air we breathe within our homes.
Better electromagnetic management (wiring & placement) reduces long term health risks.
Yohm will expertly meter and measure the frequencies and the fields in your home and give professional advice on how to combat these emissions if above optimal levels.
Yohm specifies low VOC paints and non toxic building materials wherever possible to protect you and your family from harm. Safer building materials for humans are safer for the environment too.
Some of the most historic structures and idyllic buildings are founded on the timeless idea of incorporating nature’s core elements in balance to achieve a sense of unity. And so it is, that Yohm seeks to follow these ancient design principals, incorporating basic Feng Shui and the 5 elements in each design.
Truly great design is born from identifying the experiences we have been sharing with our world and bettering them.
It understands our wants and needs. It is distinctly unique for each one of us.